Wednesday 2 February 2011

Filming on Monday 31st January 2011

The 31st of January was the last filming session that our group would have to finish our Media Main Task peice. The reason we left it so late to do our media footage is because members of the group unexpectedly had work and therefore the filming had to be withheld until a day where we could all make it. The group managed to film the rest of the footage within this time and worked this limit to our advantage due to getting more done.

The people who would appear in our media peice are three members of the group. They are Amelia, Honor and Myself. We decided to do this because we wanted to see what it would be like to film a thriller peice, and I feel that it would also add reality as we would be creative with our scenes due to putting into practice exactly what we wanted to do. Myself and Honor both played the two girls roles, whereas Amelia played the scary unknown person therefore she was disguised. Ellie was the person who did the sound effects and also filmed the whole peice.

At the start of the night we the group was making the last prepartions to the script, and also practising the camera angles; this was before we started filming our footage. The group also had to wait for the darkness to come as alot of the scenes which were shot were outside. This was to add a more mysteriousness to the thriller effect.

Equipment used:
The equipment our media group used to film the Main Task was a Sanyo Xacti VPC-CG20 Camcorder. The Sanyo Duel Camera CG20 records High Definition video and up to 14 mega-pixel digital photos with 5x optical zoom. All of these features are contained in a convenient, upright design. Recording videos, shooting photos and accessing settings in the menu can easily be controlled with the user of the camera who will be filming our peice (Ellie)'s thumb. The CG20 easily fits in your coat pocket and makes sharing videos and photos via social networking web sites, portable video devices like IPod's, TV's and computers, easy.

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