Tuesday 8 February 2011

Film Editing

Before we uploaded our filmed footage onto the software 'Premier Elements 7.0', we had to conisder other factors that that would be included in the editing process of our opening scene.

Uploading Footage
To create and edit our film the group is using Adobe Premier Elements 7.0. This software isn't very complex therefore it is easy to use and allows the group to edit footage easily. However, the group have no other choice but to use this software because this is what the school has paid for us to use and also others are much more costly and complicated to use. The group feel that we know how to use Adobe Premier Elements considerately well and also can edit footage to the best of our potential.

The group are now ready to edit the footage which we have filmed. This was a simple process however I seemed to encounter a few problems whilst trying to upload the videos onto the software. As there were so many videos, the software took a long while to upload them and sometimes froze. This meant that one clip was uploaded at a time which would take up a significant amount time available which we have with this software, as none of the group have it installed at home.

Editing the footage was done by all of the group so that we all had a contribution in the matter. This means that we can individually express our ideas, make decisions together and produce a somewhat successful opening scene which the whole of the group are pleased with.

To start the editing process firstly Me, Honor, Amelia and Ellie deleted all of the film clips which were not needed. We did this by right clicking on the film clip and selecting delete.

Once all of the group had decided which of the videos were no longer needed, we could now start putting the videos together in order. This meant that the group could create distorted, repetitve shots. We are doing this so that the thriller effect of the film comes together and therefore makes the watcher into the opening scene. The distortion will produce a tense atmosphere which relates to the chosen genre of our group. This could make our opening scene more successful.

After we had put the film in order we could now start cutting bits out. We did by using the scissor tool. To cut something out of the media peice you had to drag to scissor tool along the timeline below the film.

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