Thursday 17 February 2011

Evaluation Activity 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product does not particularly represent any specific social group(s). This is because our opening scene comes under the 'thriller' category. A thriller is designed to put the audience on the edge of their seat and make them believe that there is more to the story than what is told. A thriller does not fit any specific stereotypes.

Common ideologies of the characters
In our product we decided to follow the common ideologies of the characters that are represented in our opening scene. For example, the scary figure is percieved as dark, mysterious and unknown. The group chose Amelia to be the unknown person in our film. Another ideology is that is commonly seen in people is that young girls are seen as petite, shy and thin. This has gave an advantage as to why the scary person will choose to stalk the two young girls, this is because they are so vunerable. The two girl characters that were used were me and Honor.

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