Tuesday 25 January 2011

Target Audience - Thriller Film

The age of our target audience is around 16-25 years. This is due to 80% of the questionnaire samples being given out were students. For our film, this can be related to by the audience as our main characters are teenagers which provides a pathway for connection from the audience.
The gender of the target isn't as specific as age ranges or demographic classification however, it doesn't mean that it isn't important. For our film, our gender of the audience would be mainly females as there is two girls getting ready for a party although males may be attracted nonetheless. When the scary parts come in I feel that this is when the males will be most attractive. Our group researched into films which we thought were excellent thrillers and it showed that males enjoyed these types of films compared to females. For example, Jaws has a male user rate of 6.0 however, the female rate is only 4.3. It also showed that 18 to 29 year olds who are both male and female enjoyed the film more than under 18's. This is due to the 18 to 29 age group voted 6.4 and under 18's voting 6.0. Also, for Se7en males also rated the movie higher than females.
The majority of our target audience will be made up of students due to the age range. Also because of how around 80% of my thriller consumption research proved to be thriller fans. The interests of our target audience are demonstrated mostly by other thriller films which they like such as, Jaws, Die Hard, Se7en and Silence of the Lambs. So this means means film reviews of our films which we have associated with our film are important, as shown above with the gender and age results I obtained.

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