Friday 18 February 2011

Evaluation Activity 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A production company is reponsible for the development and physical production of a new media product. Therefore, me and my group members (Ellie, Amelia and Honor) were responsible for the development and physical production of a new media product, (being an opening scene) we could say that we have acted like a production company throughout the whole process of producing the thriller opening scene.

A production company may also be directly responsible for the raising or funding for the production of this media product. The budget which the media group had was £5, which is extremely low, but most of the props and costumes used were already owned by a member of the group. However, if we were to create a professional media product which could be defined as 'Category A' (meaning the film was made with entirely British sources and that most of the funding for our media product would be supplied by the British film council).

In the film instution, our thriller film would compete with other films such as:
- The Strangers
- Se7en
- Paranormal Activity
This is because, Paranormal Activity is a significantly low budget film which was produced on a hand held camera, which is similar to our film. Also, the other films listed above also have the same type of thriller effects which are portrayed and conveyed in our media production opening scene.

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