Friday 4 February 2011


Below is the group's storyboard which we all put a contributed effort towards. I will deconstruct the storyboard so that it is clear to understand to the reader.

This is the title of our storyboard. We decided to add this to give an introduction to people who is going to do this, therefore they know who it is done by and can relate to other peices of my media coursework to make the storyboard more useful. We decided to to keep it simple using a plain white background with back writing therefore this can relate to the thriller film as it is dull and not bright.

 This is the first scene of our groups thriller film. It shows honor getting ready in one room, whilst me in another. The reason the me and Honor have been put in seperate rooms is because it adds to the mysteriousness of being alone, and therefore not knowing what is going on.

This second scene is where the lights switch off. There is only a caption and no picture because nothing will be seen due to pure darnkess. However, I feel this storyboard could of been produced better by having a black background and the caption in white to add to the thriller effect.

;The thirs scene is where the scaryness starts. As I drop my toothbrush the lights in the bathroom switch off. The watcher then sees a figure in the mirror whereas the actor (me) doesn't see this. The watcher will then be on the edge of the seat because they know something that shouldn't be in the house is in there. Therefore, the watcher gets the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

This next scene is where me and Honor are having a chat in the games room. There is tension due to none of us wanting to go outside and check the generator, therefore me and Honor seem at each others throats and scared. This is an effect of a thriller film.

In the fifth scene I was too angry with Honor about not coming to check the generator with me that I went by myself. At this point it was dark and scary and I ran down to the swimming pool at the bottom of the garden.

As I was approaching the generator in one of the rooms at the generator I heard noises. I then ran back as I was scared. As I was alone I decided to risk running back to Honor. This is so that the audience knew that I knew someone was after me, which adds to the physologicsal effects of a thriller film. 

In the last scene a hooded figure then appears at the door. This is when we know that Katie and Honor are in trouble. This film then ends here. Our group have decided to do it this way because it is a cliffhanger and it wants people to watch more...

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