Friday 18 February 2011

Evaluation Activity 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

The group was able to address our audience by exporting our opening scene into a movie file on our software, this enabled us to upload our video onto a website called Youtube. Once our opening scene was on Youtube we could then share our product with others by using a URL.

On my facebook page I then posted this URL to the age range of my target audience (16 - 25 years of age). Once our target audience had watched our opening scene we were hoping that if they liked it they would show it to their friends, who would also be categorized into our target audience. This is an example of 'The Two Step Flow'.

We were able to attract our target audience because our opening scene relates to an existing media product with the same genre. For example Paranormal Activity. This is because this film is also a home made media product, like ours.

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