Tuesday 18 January 2011


We decided to do our questionairre based on the thriller idea which is going to be the genre of our main task film. This is our questionairre which we handed out to twenty people in order to get ideas for our thriller film:

The look of the questionairre is easy to understand and also simple to answer.
When the questionairres were handed back to the group, we decided to put the answers into graph form.

Question 1

As you can see from the answers, most of the respondents chose Horror as their favourite genre of film. The results then show that thriller was the second most popular then romance, drama and sci-fi. As thriller was the second most popular this shows that many people will be into the type of film which will be making for our main task. Also, as many people like horror our group could decided to put a scene of horror in there, just for the watchers enjoyment. As no one chose the genre sci-fi then I feel that our group made the best decision by sticking with a thriller film. I feel that most people like thrillers because of the physcological effects. This could be by the hypodermic needle model as the messages of thrillers are directly recieved and wholly accepted by the reader therefore, they want to watch more of the film even though it scares them.

Question 2
This question was a sentence answer therefore it was impossible to put them into graph form. Also, everyone has their different reasons of the favouritism of genders therefore this is why we have decided to miss this question out.

Question 3

As you can see from the answers, most of the respondents chose physcological, the unknown and jumpy as their three things of what makes a thriller film. As these were the most popular these effects could be put into the film which our group are making to make it more appealing to the reader. Therefore, by using these three effects this could also be part of the hypodermic needle model as the message will be recieved and accepted. Also, as a few other of the effects were fairly popular then also these could be put into the film, but not play a huge part. For example, there could be a slight mystery, or a sign of the supernatural.

Question 4
The fourth question was 'What thriller film have you watched and enjoyed?' Most of the respondents chose the film Jaws. Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs came joint second and then Die Hard had the leat votes with with 4 people selecting this option. Wherever they are in the world, the audience for a media text are all recieving exactly the same thing however, some people respond differently to what they see than others, this is the audience at a mass. Most people maybe enjoyed Jaws because of the physcological effects of the thriller aspects on the watcher. The intensity of the shark waiting to be fed from the humans bones. If this is the case, the group could look into a way of putting something like this in the film. However, if their are too many of the above effects like in question 3, then our film can go over the top.

Question 5
For question 5 the group wanted to find out what the people who would be taking our survery thought made a thriller film. We decided to ask this question because this would give us an overall idea of what to do for our film, and how to add affects in which the audience would want to see and watch. Most people chose mystery, jumpy or confusion. Without a mystery a thriller film wouldn't be jumpy as there would be no tension. Also, mystery kicks in confusion therefore all of these aspects link in together.

Overall, I feel that the effects that will be in our groups thriller film is mystery, jumpy and confusion, also with a bit of physcological effects. We have decided to do this because these are most popular to the audience and they are the one's who may be watching our short film.

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