Tuesday 25 January 2011


Girl 1 – Katie
Girl 2 – Honor
Scary person – Amelia

Honor: you looking forward to tonight?
Kt: yeah, not sure what I’m wearing though! Shall I just wear what I’ve got on?
Honor: yeah babe! Me too then
(Lights go off)
Honor: oh err!
Kt: Not to worry babe happens a lot, they should be back on in a sec
(Lights back on)
(Honor’s blusher has gone, doesn’t think a lot of it)
Honor: (laughs) yeah
(Camera goes to towards Katie in the bathroom – she picks up the toothbrush)
Kt: put some music on honor
(Music comes on)
(Katie drops toothbrush, picks it up, then a scary person appears in the mirror. Lights and music off)
Kt: Oh, that don’t usually happen, don’t know why the music’s gone off!
Honor: OH MY GOD, I don’t like it.
Kt: its alright, we have probably just ran out of electric.
(Flash on and off again)
(Honor freaks out and runs downstairs to get a torch. Katie follows, both go towards the games room)
Kt: Got to go out to the pool, the switch is there, want to come with me?
Honor: oh I don’t really want to. It’s dark plus it’s freezing
Kt: well... One of use needs to, I don’t really want to but...

This is what we have of the script so far. As the script isn't done and the whole group aren't rarely available all at the same time then we haven't had chance to film the end of our media task. The final filming will take place on Thursday 27th January.

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