Tuesday 14 December 2010

Deconstruction (Juno)

This is the very opening picture for the film Juno. This isn't any ordinary opening scene as  you can see because just this scene is in cartoon. The girl walking alone the pavement seems to have a bottle in her hand, the watcher however is unsure to what this is yet. We get the feeling that this girl already could be the main character.

The next till picture we see is the girl again, but this time she is drinking from the carton which was once before in her hand. She appeares to be standing in the middle of the road. This could mean many things, but one is that she's carefree.
This picture shows just the bottom half of somebodys body. From the other pictures before I guess this is the young lady carrying the carton as she is wearing the same trousers and the same shoes. The van in the background shows that this is probably belonging to the girl. Also, this character still seems carefree as she is walking on leaves without hesitation.

This opening credit shows the title of the film. Again, the girl which we do not know the name of yet is seen walking down the street still with a carton in her hand. She looks dopey and like her mind isn't even in the world. Maybe she's walking to a destination, somewhere she likes to be.
To the viewer, this picture doesn't really have a meaning.  It shows the top of a telephone wire with birds flying away. However, this could be the view of the young woman we have seen before in all of the other still shots. It could show the danger yet the happiness of this girl's life.

This opening credit has the name 'Ellen Page'. This suggests that this is the characters name is real life. In the picture the young woman looks happy, almost that she is dreaming of something she enjoys doing.

This picture is also another that may be important to the girl but not to the reader just yet. It shows a road and the side of a house. The house could be known to the girl as this is why it is in her visions, and maybe could be important.

This shows the young woman up against walking past a shop. This shop has guitars, which relates to music of some kind. This could mean that she, or someone she cares about could be involved with music. Also, whoever this person is, their credit could just be above the guitars.

The last opening credit of is of the costume designer, yet we also see the girl drinking out of her Sunny D bottle. This may be something she is passionate about as she seems to be carrying the carton around quite alot.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Juno (opening scene)

I have decided to also deconstruct the film Juno as this is a comedy and drama film all in one. Juno is about when a girl is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

Deconstruction (se7en)

This is the very opening credit to the film se7en. It shows a page, yet the reader cannot see what's written on it. This gives a sense of mysteriousness as this must a vital part of the film due to appearing first.
The next opening credit shows a pair of hands, drawn to perfection and measured on the page. Looking at this picture would show the reader that there could be a detective withint the film, trying to find someone very dangerous and odd.
The creepyness of this picture along with the music still carrys on the mysterious vibe. The hands, which are not clean are holding what seems an important peice of information. This could be vital within the film.  
The next caption shows the title of the film. The writing is shady and this makes the person watching feel insecure, on the edge of the their seat, and maybe even abit scared to what is going to happen during the film. The picture behind the credit is unknown. In a way this is good because it makes the watcher want to know what it is, an if it plays an important role withint the film. Using a '7' instead on 'n' shows that this number is a significant part within the film and if the watchers knew before, they know it would relate to the seven deadly sins.

For the opening scene to have a pen going to a peice of paper means something could be being plotted or planned. This could be anything from hunting a killer to solving the mystery of a murder. The watcher is given a clue that the person holding a pen could be a detective, as these are the people that plot and plan things.

This part of the opening scene really gives an insight to what the film is about. The face is unkown and the eyes are crossed out, this shows that maybe the person which drew this picture doesnt even know who they are. This again, gives an insight on that there could be a killer and a detetive involved.
These hands seem to be pinning paper together. Just by this picture we can see that this is done very carefully due to the precision of the hands. For someone to do this must mean that there is something very devious going on. This adds to the question of the watcher, why does someone need to be this precaucious?

This next part of the opening scene we see the paper which was being pinned, is now being sowed together. This adds to the mystery as there is obviously something to hide within the film. The audience want to see this myster unravel.
This is the last picture of the sequence. This picture looks like the unknown maybe detective is cutting out money. This gives an air that maybe the unknown is dealing with some dodgy business. This shows that maybe anything could happen....

Se7en (opening credits)

I have chosen to deconstruct the opening scene of the film se7en. This films is about two detectives, a rookie and a veteran who hunt a serial killer who uses his seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. I have decided to give a video clip of the opening credits, however deconstruct with still pictures.


The genre of film we have decided to do is a Thriller because this effects people physcologically. Also a thriller is more easier to do as in a horror there needs to be lots of special effects and if they arent done correctly, these could look fake and unrealistic.
The group thought that producing a short thriller film would be fun do to and also would not go to waste as everyone is creative and can think of ideas in which to put towards the film to make it good.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


To start off with the Media Coursework Main Task the people in our Media group had to decided who we wanted to work with. The limitations of our group were that we could work on our own or in a group of up to four people, and with people which we know we could perform and complete the task to the best of our ability.
The media group I am in is Me (Katie Flatters), Honor Ireland, Amelia Hubbard and Eloise Green. This was not the group for the preliminary task because Eloise was with someone different. She decided to come into our group because we got the work done and thought that we would work better as a four as the work load could be spread out evenly.

Here are the other people's in the group blogs: